

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Saturday 26th November 2022

John Cooper, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. One mix of cement taken in but Pete accidently tipped one out at the bottom of the entrance shaft so John and Adrian went back and did another mix to replace it. At the bottom Jude got wet so went out while Pete used up the first bucket of cement. Whilst using up the second he frightened himself by dropping a large boulder, which stopped before landing on his legs. Adrian decided it would be capped next week! Very drippy today. 1½ hours. John.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday 19th November 2022

John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann and Mike Kousiounis. One mix of cement taken in. Half used by Pete at the dig face and the other half used by John building small retaining walls. Rather drippy today. Several loads of muddy clatch dug out from the floor by Pete which John and Mike “lost” in various holes. Pete reckons he lowered the floor about 30cm. Nigel managed to reach the base of the bottom shaft. 2 hours. John.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Saturday 12th November 2022

John Cooper, Pete Hann, Mike Kousiounis, Richard Marlow, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. One mix of cement taken. First all the spoil was cleared from the 196m level to the Tunnel. Then Pete and Rich went down to the bottom with the cement whilst the rest of us hauled the spoil to the bottom of the entrance shaft. Finally, 18 Wayne sized loads were hauled to the surface, by which time everyone was ready to come out. 2¾ hours. John.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thursday 10th November 2022

John Cooper, Mike Kousiounis (Kushy), Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Kushy to the bottom to test the draught with his vape. Reported good draught coming up from below. Then we moved spoil up from the 184m level to the 196m one. Didn’t count the number of loads. There is now plenty of stacking space, although a bit of a wriggle to get past the new spoil heap. 1½ hours. John.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Saturday 5th November 2022

John Cooper, Pete Hann and Adrian Vanderplank. Nigel, Pete, Adrian and Jude had been down afternoon of AGM (15th October 2022) but I had a Committee Meeting so it was over a month since I had been down (much work and injury keeping others away). I carried capping kit in and dug some boulders out of the floor before handing over to Adrian for some capping. After dealing with the one in the floor he moved on to one off to the right hand side under the BIG boulder. When he’d had enough he let Pete have a look and then came out. Really need a clearance session at the bottom stacking space. At least 4 to get it up the bottom shaft then 5 to get it to the Tunnel. 2 hours. John.