Dave Mitchell’s Dig 2016
Pete, Nigel & Myself.
Mainly a
cementing session. 4 buckets of cement down. 2 buckets of rock down 8 buckets
of spoil up. Adrian.
Jake Parrish, Pete, Myself.
With Nigel
sick, Ali lent us Jake. Very drippy underground but pleasant on the surface. 20
buckets of spoil out. 2 buckets of cement in. Pete opened up a draughting hole
on the northeast side of the floor. Boulders becoming larger. Adrian.
Pete Hann, Nigel Graham & Myself.
A bit of a
drier day but the outside temperature was only about 6°C. Pete down to the
bottom, hacking out mud & stones at the sides and then replacing that with
cemented walls. 18 buckets of spoil taken out, 4 buckets of cement in. The hole
that Pete had opened up was draughting well and you can see down it about 1.2
metres. The good thing about it is, it seems to be getting bigger as it goes
further down. Adrian
Pete Hann, Nigel & Myself.
16 buckets out,
3 buckets of cement in. More wall built around the North side of the shaft.
More of the gap exposed which looks like it is trending North towards Warren
Farm Swallet. Adrian.
Nigel Graham, Pete & Myself.
More wall
building & more spoil out. 3 buckets of cement in 19 buckets of spoil out.
The gap or void is more visible & more exciting, either very large rocks or
bedrock can be seen further down!! Looking good! Adrian.
John Cooper, Pete Hann & Myself.
More digging at
the bottom with a very strong surface person 50 buckets of clatch and rock
hauled out. It’s looking increasingly like we have a solid wall in front of us
with small black spaces to the right. Fairly dry at the bottom & less
draught today. Breezy 4°C Sunshine/Showers. Adrian.
Pete, Nigel & Myself.
A good digging
session with the floor being lowered by 20 buckets. 3 buckets of cement used.
At the end of the session Pete managed to look head first down the hole. The
hole extends for about 10’ downwards, to the right small black hole with no
visible walls! Still a load of stabilization to do before we get in. Adrian.
Pete, Nigel, Myself.
It’s funny how
a week and 27 buckets of spoil out changes a dig’s perspective. The black hole
viewed disappeared as rocks were removed from the floor. At the end of the
session, we were looking down a bedding plane / rift at angle of 30° for about
3m about 1 metre wide and about 0.5 metres deep. The cave draught was pulsing
on Saturday but when it was draughting out it was more of a wind than a
draught! 3 buckets of cement in. Adrian.
Pete Hann, Nigel Graham, Barry Wilkinson and myself.
More digging
approximately 27 buckets out. Good outward draught and Pete wall building on
the R/H side which he then accidentally undermined and then it collapsed on
him! Lots of very expletive language heard from the bottom and then a request
to go and help dig him out. Another two buckets of cement used to redo the wall
he lost - hey ho. Adrian.
Barry, Nigel, Pete, Myself.
27 buckets of
spoil out. 3 buckets of cement in. There is now a ridge of rock on the floor of
the slot which will need bang to remove. Less draught today and pulsing when it
did. Adrian.
Pete Hann, Jude, Nigel, Myself.
Small amount of
digging done followed by a bang. We then waited for the fumes to clear, which
they did … partially followed by digging and another bang. All back to the
Wessex for tea and paracetamol. Adrian.
Barry, Jude, Pete, Myself.
The aim was to
clear bang debris from last week, which was achieved with some partial success
(some had fallen further into the cave!). Quite a lot of discussion ensued on
the rocks being hauled out to the surface which were a mixture of Dolomitic
Conglomerate and Clifton Down limestone. I personally didn’t think we were
anywhere near any Dolomitic Conglomerate. Anyway 3 holes drilled 1 metre and 2
600mm x 10mm & fired. All then back to the Wessex we decided that
attempting some more digging was a bad idea!
Geological map
consulted at Barry’s House & coordinates for Mitchell’s overlaid. Results
here. Adrian.
Pete Hann, Barry Wilkinson, Nigel Graham, Jude & Myself.
Having been
unable to clear the bottom properly after the last two bangs today turned into
a mega clearing session. 83 buckets later the rift was more visible. The rift
is 3” to 4” wide approximately 4’ in height and 12’ to a corner (or a blank
wall) with a hole in the floor, only time will tell. All feeling very broken
and tired with Nigel suffering the worst due to his knees.
A further bang concluded the session. 2 metres of 40gm 1 det. Adrian.
Pete, Barry, Myself.
Stayed on the
surface hauling, 33 buckets up 1 bucket cement down. Mainly conglomerate up.
Jude, Pete & Myself.
A mixture of
Capping Digging Capping Sleeping Jude)! With various people being at the front.
28 buckets of spoil removed. Adrian.
Pete, Barry, Nigel, Jude, Myself.
Armed with
generator and 240 volt rotostop drill. A good session clearing rock from the
bottom. 46? Buckets cleared and a bang at the end of the session done.
Definitely a cross rift is ahead noy very wide at present, but definitely a
cross rift. Adrian.
02/07/2016 Pete, Barry, Nigel, Myself & Geoff Newton.
Cleared last week’s bang debris. Definitely over 40 buckets of spoil. The cross rift is far more visible and longer than we thought. Another bang this week will easily see us into the rift. Adrian.
Pete, Barry, Jude, Nigel & Myself.
60 buckets
hauled! No visible way on! Adrian.
Pete, Geoff, Barry, Jude & Myself.
Cross rift now
reached, 1 metre wide 3 - 4 metres long. Not sure which end the draught is
coming out, it may be both ends! Adrian.
Barry, Nigel, Geoff, Aubrey, Myself & John Cooper.
A really good
session with Barry and Myself being allowed to play at the bottom (on the
account of there being no Pete present). Three large rocks to the right capped
and removed, then swapped with Barry and the compacted clatch in the centre of
the rift was dug out and lowered. I then continued to dig on the R/H side until
we could see down about 1.2 metres to a “floor” which seemed to undercut on the
left. This side did seem to draught. With time going on three 600mm x 10mm
holes were drilled in a bulge on the nearside, 40gn cord, retired & fired. 64
buckets of spoil removed. Adrian.
Saturday 13th August 2016. John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Aubrey Newport, Geoff Newton, Adrian Vanderplank and Barry Wilkinson. 64 loads hauled out before 3 holes (10mm x ~500mm 40gm) drilled and fired. 3 hours. John.
Saturday 27th August 2016. John Cooper joined Pete Hann, Charlotte Hilton, Adrian Vanderplank, Jude Vanderplank and Barry Wilkinson about ¾ of the way through their session. ½ hour. John.
Barry, Pete, Jude, Geoff? & Myself.
Pete at the
bottom continuing to dig downwards. Adrian.
? Adrian.
? Adrian.
Pete, Barry, John, Myself & Jude.
A very brief
visit to the dig due to the fact that I was still suffering from campylobacter
that I seem to have caught in Greece, so I supervised the bang and then back to
the Wessex. The bang was to take the bottom edge of a large rock off so we can
further excavate the hole we can just see. Adrian.
Saturday 17th September 2016. John Cooper, Pete Hann, Mike Kousiounis, Geoff Newton, Jude Vanderplank and Barry Wilkinson (joined for a short time by Malc Foyle and Adrian Vanderplank). Hauled 40 loads out before Pete drilled some holes and more spoil was created at the bottom. 2½ hours. John.
John C, Nigel, Mike K, Pete H, Jude & Myself.
A good but hard
session with 50 buckets of spoil, mainly bang debris, taken out of the cave.
The floor in the “rift” was dropped significantly which allowed us to look at
the hole in the floor. Pete managed to get a three second drop on a stone down
the hole, and the draught coming out of the hole was impressive! Adrian.
Saturday 24th September 2016. John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann, Mike Kousiounis, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Hauled 50 loads out before I’d had enough hauling. Some heavy loads! Cementing now required I’m told. 2½ hours. John.
Pete Hann, Barry W and Myself.
All down to the
current end?! Where we continued to lower the floor to provide better access to
“The Hole” after which two buckets of cement were used to start building up
walls so we can stabilize the roof. The hole in the floor looks more
interesting every time I look at it! Seems like we are about to leave the
Dolomitic Conglomerate. Adrian.
Pete, Nigel, John, Barry & Myself.
Fifteen buckets
of mainly clatch hauled out. Two buckets of cement taken down. I didn’t go to
the bottom today* but the dig is changing and I think next week we will start
widening the hole downwards.
* My Back was not
good. Adrian.
Saturday 8th October 2016. John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank and Barry Wilkinson. With Nigel and Adrian on the surface 15 loads were hauled out before 2 loads of cement went in. 2 hours. John.
Pete Hann, NikNak & Myself.
Armed with 10
dets the aim was to enlarge the hole between the boulders going downwards.
After the initial 2 det bang we moved back a bit further for the next as the
first was surprisingly loud! In all we did five firings of two dets. Just
before the last as I was wiring up the dets it was a bit of a shock to see the
whole right hand wall move down and away from where it was by about 6 inches.
After firing the last two we were able to inspect the rock a bit more
thoroughly. The rock that has moved is probably Clifton Down Limestone and
behind it the more solid and larger “wall” is Dolomitic Conglomerate, so that
is the possible reason that it has detached itself from the other. Adrian.
Pete, Barry & Myself.
Pete & Barry
started work on a small wall at the bottom to hold back a mud bank. Whilst I
started to cap the large rock that had moved on the last session. I managed to
cap about 1/3rd of the boulder before running out of battery power
(only one battery). Adrian.
Pete, Nigel, Barry, Myself, Jude.
Nigel &
Myself initially hauled buckets whilst Jude loaded them at the bottom (Barry
was on the Naughty Step). Pete was at work building retaining walls at the
bottom of the cave. After we had cleared the majority of the spoil I continued
capping the large boulder. Towards the end of the session it began to cap more
easily but by then both Hilti batteries were exhausted. The view of the gap is
more improved and is looking more promising, although there is no sign of any
solid walls at present, possibly a depth of 4 metres is visible. Adrian.
Pete, Barry, Nigel & Myself.
A mixed digging
session with a bit of hauling, capping and using 5 dets as well. More cementing
done on the Southern end of the dig, followed by using 5 dets to break up the
remains of the large boulder we have attacked for the previous two weeks.
Finally the last pieces were capped which allowed us to expose the rock below
which is acting as a capstone to the void below. The plan in the next few
sessions is to secure the Southern end of the capstone and then to cap the
Northern end off and see if it stays there. Adrian.
Nigel, John Cooper, Barry, Myself & Jude.
More capping
and cementing. One large boulder needed capping to give us some clear passage.
About ten caps were used and the boulder was significantly reduced. The problem
was that with its smaller size it dropped a further metre down the cave. Pete
and I decided that it was too dangerous to carry on capping it. We decided to
leave it to next week. Adrian.
Saturday 3rd December 2016. John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank, Jude Vanderplank and Barry Wilkinson. With John and Nigel on the surface 23 loads were hauled up (Thin rope used). Some capping was done during the second half then 1 mix of cement sent down. 2 hours. John.
Barry, Jude, Pete & Myself.
Two dets
drilled into the remaining part of the offending boulder split it into two.
These were then crowbarred down further. Pete was able to descend down
vertically another 2 metres to a floor with no visible way on! After Pete had a
good look around I went down to have a look whilst Pete went to organize some
cement. Pulling a few stones out of the “floor” and it was obvious that the way
on was under this floor. Pete then went back down with some cement. As he was
building the walls, using rocks from the floor the floor became less and less,
until the bottom fell out of Pete’s world and the floor dropped. Pete was quite
unhappy about this and even more unhappy when it happened again! So out 2 metre
extension became a 4 metre extension. There are gaps below but quite a lot of
cementing to do first. Adrian.
Jude, Pete, Barry, Nigel & Myself.
With a lot of
progress being made last week it was a time for cementing and consolidation.
Four buckets of cement were used mainly down the bottom but there was some
remedial work done at the bottom of the shaft which had been washed out in the
earlier month’s rain. Adrian.
Jude, Nigel, Pete, Myself & Barry.
Digging &
stabilizing downwards. Two buckets of cement used, nothing hauled up. Adrian.
Pete Hann, Nigel Graham, Jude & Myself.
One boulder
capped easily, the second boulder didn’t want to cap. About10 caps managed to
reduce the boulder but not removed completely. We stopped capping the boulder
and cemented a loose boulder that is resting on the half-capped boulder.
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