John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank.
Double mix of cement plus capping kit taken in. Jude went to the bottom and
cleared loads of clatch which Pete stashed in various holes. Then Pete used up
two buckets of cement walling at bottom, John had used the third one cementing
just above the rift. Capping kit brought out unused! Adrian took photos at bottom before coming out. 2 hours.
John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank.
Double mix of cement plus capping kit taken in. Pete used up the first bucket
of cement walling at bottom and sent a couple of loads of rock up to John to
stash at the top of Pensioners’ Pot. Adrian then capped at the bottom to make
more room. Whilst this was going on John used some of the third bucket up
cementing just above the rift. Finally all the remaining cement was sent down
to Pete for more walling. Another double mix next week. 2½ hours. John.
John Cooper, Billy Evans, Damon Fentham, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude
Vanderplank. Tourist trip with a bit of digging thrown in. Jude to the bottom
with Billy and Damon - digging clatch out of the floor. After they had had their
turns they went out leaving Adrian to dig and John to dispose of spoil. Not as drippy today. Adrian
then took a few photos. No draught today even though only 2°C on the surface. Next week double mix, weather permitting. 1¼
hours. John.
John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Single
mix and capping kit taken down. Once Adrian had finished capping the cement was
used by Pete wall building at the bottom. Still going down. Drippier this week
than last week. Next week double mix, weather permitting! 1½ hours. John.