John Cooper, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank and
Jude Vanderplank. One mix of cement taken in, all used by John at the bottom of
Father Duckmas shaft. Pete in first to wind up the wire from last week. Jude and
Adrian then carried in the cement leaving me with nothing to carry for a
change. Pete found last week’s bang had done a good job demolishing the boulder
and made a start clearing debris. One large rock was passed up to John but the
rest can be found a home down below. It was too drippy today for Pete to cement
so next week will hope to take in a double mix. Adrian took some photographs
before coming out. I did carry the empty cement buckets and the wire out. 1½
hours. John.
Looking along into alcove. Photo by Adrian Vanderplank. |
Looking down. Photo by Adrian Vanderplank.