

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Saturday 24th December 2022

John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Capping kit taken to bottom. After Jude and I dragged a boulder back from the face Adrian capped it and a second one. Debris stacked at the bottom stacking space (184m level). Rather drippy today. Nigel finally reached the dig face. 2 hours. John.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Saturday 17th December 2022

John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann, Rich Marlow, Wayne Starsmore, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Today the spoil was moved up from where it had been deposited last week in my absence. First 17 loads were moved up to the Tunnel then, whilst Rich, supported by Jude, went down to view the end, spoil was moved up to the bottom of the entrance shaft and finally 8 loads reached the surface (Pete and Nigel on the surface noted the weight of the loads!). 1½ hours. John.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Saturday 10 December 2022

Saturday 10th December 2022. Pete Hann, Andy Morse, Nigel Graham, Jude and myself. A mix of semi frozen cement taken to the bottom by Pete. Jude, me, Nigel, Andy, hauled rocks to the ledge above the slot, with Andy stacking and Jude loading. Afterwards Andy and I made our way to the bottom to look. The hole in the floor is now visible and looks relatively inviting, not much draught. The hole ahead has a couple of boulders which restrict access but it has the better draught and is bigger and it looks from the photos to have a gap at the end turning left (West). Adrian.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Saturday 3rd December 2022

John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann and Adrian Vanderplank. Capping kit taken in and used by Adrian to demolish the boulder that attacked Pete last week. Adrian passed the rock back along the rift to John in the drag tray. John transferred it to the hauling bucket which Pete hauled up until Nigel took it and stacked it in the bottom stacking space (184m level). Once this was complete Adrian and Pete discussed what to cement next week. 2¼ hours. John.