

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturday 27th July 2019

John Cooper, Pete Hann and Adrian Vanderplank. Capping kit taken in. 1 mix of cement taken in. Started with Adrian capping the bottom whilst the debris was hauled up and stacked in the alcoves built by John. Pete then swapped with Adrian to retrieve the rocks that had fallen downwards. Once the alcoves were full John used half the cement in the lower alcove and surroundings whilst Pete used the other half at the bottom. Quite draughty and cold today. 2 hours. John.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday 20th July 2019

John Cooper, Pete Hann and Adrian Vanderplank. 1 mix of cement taken in. Pete used half at the bottom whilst digging out the clatch in the floor. This was stashed behind the wall John built last week. The rest of the cement was used by John building walls in the shaft for stashing clatch etc. 1½ hours. John.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Saturday 13th July 2019

John Cooper, Pete Hann and Adrian Vanderplank. Capping kit taken in but not used. 1 mix of cement taken in. Pete used a small amount at the bottom whilst digging out the clatch in the floor. This was stashed behind the wall John built last week. The rest of the cement was used by John building walls in the shaft for stashing clatch etc. 2 hours. John.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Saturday 6th July 2019

John Cooper, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Capping kit and 1 mix of cement taken in. Pete used half the mix at the bottom whilst digging out the clatch in the floor. This was stashed behind the wall John built last week. Then whilst Adrian capped at the bottom Pete started building a wall on the opposite side to John’s. 2½ hours. John.